tirsdag den 29. juli 2014


provoked by a POEMS ABOUT NATURE COMPETITION - just in these days where people more than "usual" are being abused and slaughtered around the world ... but yes .. nature is undoubtedly worth praising and writing about ...

Poetry Competition
In connection with the annual meeting of culture on the Isle of Mors, the Limfjordsegnens Litteratur Samvirke arranges a poetry competition.
The poems must be nature poems, which can both be based on the actual scenery and cultural landscape.
The poems will be judged by a committee, to which the Limfjordsegnens Litteratur Samvirke, the culture meeting's leading committee and the Danish Writers Associations lyricist Group shall each appoint one member.
Anyone can participate in the competition.

Look to the good side
where the grass is greener
where the municipality or a billionaire concerned about his legacy
has provided landscape architecture, artificial brooks with almost natural meandering
and roll-out lawns

Look the right way
when you sit down at your garden table decorated with moist bottles of white wine
benched on the finest teak, with the corresponding natural green cushions
and be happy for the fresh winds over the fjord
at 91 degrees in the shade

Look to the safe side
when you initiate a poem contest for innocent northerners
to gather for celebration of culture on The Isle of Mors
to praise nature as we love her so much
in contrast to mankind

Se til den gode side
der hvor græsset er grønnere
til den side hvor kommunen eller en velhaver på falderebet
har sørget for landskabsarkitekter, kunstige vandløb med natur-lige bugtninger
og rullegræs

Se til den rigtige side
når du tager plads ved det hvidvins- eller fancyølpyntede havebord
af det fineste teaktræ med de dertil hørende stole med de naturgrønne hynder
og vær glad for at den friske blæst over Limfjorden
er på 33 grader i skyggen

Se til den ufarlige side
når du udskriver en digtkonkurrence for uskyldige nordboere
der skal samles til fest og kultur på Mors
til at lovprise naturen som vi jo elsker så meget
til forskel for menneskerne

torsdag den 3. juli 2014

bubble of soap

bubble of soap

Here we are inside
an enormous bubble
containing joyful events
such as bull markets and ball games
for (almost) everybody in the streets

and in the media
surrounded by a belt of disasters
were victims get beaten to death
for oil, for money, for the nation

for the gods ...


Velkommen her
i vores kæmpe sæbeboble
med stigende aktiekurser og boldspil
som glædelige begivenheder
for (næsten) alle i gaderne og medierne
mens i et et bælte omkring
slås folk ihjel
for oliens, for pengenes, for nationens, 
for gudernes …